Aetna is one of the largest and best-known health insurers in the U.S., and if you’re thinking about your future, you may have questions or concerns about getting the right type of healthcare coverage. At South Florida Medicare Specialists, we care about you and your needs, and understand that you want affordable, dependable coverage. We are available by email and by phone if you want more information about Aetna plans in West Palm Beach, and can help you find a network that lets you keep your doctor and covers the benefits you need. 

What are Medicare supplements plans? 

There are many different Medicare plans. Medicare Plan A covers your hospital expenses, whereas your Medicare Plan B covers your doctors visits, lab tests, and preventative care. Your Medicare Part D is the medication coverage that you can use at retail pharmacies or mail services. But after looking over the various plans, you may notice that your Medicare Plan A, Plan B, and Plan D do not all cover everything that you need. 

Medicare supplement plans cover the gaps in your health care coverage, such as the cost of co-pays and deductibles. However, they are not the same as Medicare Advantage plans. Medicare Advantage Plans have very strict enrollment periods, and you cannot switch to a Medigap plan in the future. It’s important to speak to one of our South Florida Medicare Specialists before making your final choice to see which Medigap plan is best for you.

There are 10 different standardized Medicare supplement plans. This means that a Medicare Plan A that is purchased in one state is identical to the Plan A offered in another state to another person. However, because Medicare supplement plans are offered by private insurance companies, they choose which of the 10 plans they will offer. One of the most popular plans is Medicare Plan F.

In order to qualify for a Medicare supplement plan, you’ll need to meet certain requirements. First of all, you must be age 65 or older and enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B. You may also qualify if you have been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) or End-Stage Renal Disease. You may also be eligible if you are receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration or the Railroad Retirement Board.

What are Part B excess charges?

Medicare has set the rate for what they will pay physicians for services rendered. A doctor who has accepted the Medicare-approved amount is considered to have accepted “assignment.” But when a doctor does not accept Medicare “assignment,” they can charge their patients up to 15% more than the Medicare-approved cost for that service. This extra charge is called the Part B excess charge.

Choosing The Right Aetna Plan For You

There are many reasons why people choose Aetna Medicare supplement insurance plans. Some of the benefits include:

  • Covering outpatient medical costs
  • Paying for deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments
  • Your plan is valid nationwide anywhere Medicare is accepted
  • You get an additional 365 days of hospital care after your Medicare runs out

Additionally, all Medigap plans are guaranteed to be renewable if you are sure to pay your premiums. Even if you have health problems, the health insurance company cannot cancel your Medigap policy as long as you have been paying it monthly. That is one of the reasons why these plans are especially attractive to people who have health concerns, which could lead to higher healthcare costs.

All Aetna Medicare supplement plans have some policies that apply specifically to their plans. These include:

  • A locked-in rate for your first year, which means that there will be no price increases in the first 12 months of your plan.
  • You can get a discount in some areas on the premiums for two people in the household.
  • They offer a 30 day Free Look Period. During that 30 day trial, you can cancel for any reason and receive a full refund.

Aetna offers 2 Medicare supplement plans: Plan F and G.

Medicare Plan F is one of the most popular Medicare supplement plans because it provides the most comprehensive coverage out of all 10 plans. The Aetna Medicare Supplement Plan F covers your hospital deductibles as well as 20% of your car insurance on your Plan B. It also covers your part B excess charges.

The Medicare Supplement Plan G provides the next most coverage after the Plan F. Just like the Plan F, it covers your part B excess charges, and it provides you coverage while you are traveling internationally up to certain plan limits. But the difference between the Plan F and the Plan G is that the deductible for your Plan B is not covered in a Plan G, so you will be responsible for paying your deductible. Speak to one of our South Florida Medicare Specialists to help you decide which plan is best for you.